How To Make A Pinhole Camera out of a Business Card by Chris Kee

Visual photographic instructions on how to make a pinhole camera with two (2) standard business cards

What?!, a camera made out of a business card? Shut the front door! Yes, this pinhole camera is actually made with two business cards. One for the bottom and one for the top or lid. The only problem is that you have to make the card so light can’t pass through it. Most business cards are white and some are really thin. So I used two very thick cards and then reinforced it with black photo tape. I’ve included the die if people want to make their own. It’s a bit tricky to make but with some determination, you can do it. I use photographic photo paper as the negative and I keep the camera in an old film case to protect is when I go out in the field. I also carry two other 35mm film canisters, one with unexposed negatives and the other with exposed negative. I use a film changing bag to swap out the negatives.

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